We are pleased to announce that our company has achieved ISO 9001:2015 certification.

This certification is the result of team work, with excellent cooperation between management
and employees.
This certification proves our will to continuously improve our working
methods to satisfy our customers. Since its creation, WTC has developed through the evolution
of its management system, the professionalization of the competencies of its employees, in
accordance with the values affirmed by management.
To continue its growth and structure its
performance, WTC has continuously developed its processes and working methods to be more
flexible in its development and achieve a level of excellence in its field.
It is therefore quite natural that we wanted to go beyond the professional standards that
govern our activity by participating in an ISO 9001 certification process, guaranteeing a high
quality commitment to our management system and the strategic direction towards the
Through this certification, WTC naturally engages its employees in a motivating business project
that promotes their expertise and contributes to developing the quality of life at work.
Certification is issued by Bureau VERITAS for 3 years, with a review of the processes each year
by an independent auditor.